A Brief Guide to Choosing the Right Size Condom

In countless movies, we’ve witnessed the classic scenario: a young man finally faces the opportunity for intimacy, only to be embarrassed by the outdated condom he’s been carrying in his wallet for years. He might endure teasing or receive disapproval from his partner due to the condom’s age. In many cases, this vital accessory is often acquired haphazardly, with little thought given to its selection. Melissa White, the CEO of Lucky Bloke, a condom retailer specializing in fit, suggests that this may indeed reflect how many people obtain their first condoms.

Despite the importance of using condoms, there is a glaring lack of education on how to choose the right one. Consequently, many individuals receive their first condom for free from clinics, concerts, or bars, often a cheap, standard-sized option. Regrettably, they rarely explore better alternatives.

“Standard fit condoms only suit 50 percent of men,” asserts White, “so half of them will find it either too tight or too loose. This initial experience leads them to believe that condoms are universally uncomfortable.” Consequently, most people’s first encounter with condoms is mediocre, and they are unaware that condoms can enhance pleasure.

The Best Regular-Fit Condom

  • Durex Avanti Bare Real Feel Condoms – Durex, a well-known condom brand, offers a latex-free range that suits various preferences.
  • SKYN Original Condoms – Skyn, another latex-free choice, prioritizes a natural feel.
  • LELO HEX – Lelo, a luxury sex toy company, produces ultra-thin condoms with cutting-edge technology.
  • Maude Rise – Instagramable design, buttercup packaging that makes opening a breeze, and a just-thin-enough feel.

Condoms are primarily associated with safer sex and have been used for over 11,000 years as the best defense against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Nevertheless, condom usage has dwindled in recent years, possibly due to the perception that they compromise pleasure and the lack of comprehensive sex education.

White aims to demonstrate that the right condom can transform the sexual experience by allowing both partners to focus less on the condom itself. To assist you in your next condom purchase, consider the following factors:

1. Measure Yourself

When seeking the perfect fit, prioritize girth over length. White recommends the “toilet paper roll test.” While not a scientific method, it offers a fun and simple way to estimate your size. Slide an empty toilet paper roll around an erect penis. If there’s excess space, consider a slimmer fit. If it fits just right, standard size is suitable. If it feels too tight, explore larger options.

The Best Large-Fit Condoms

  • TROJAN Magnum Large Size Condoms – Magnums, known for their name recognition, offer various larger sizes.
  • GLYDE Maxi Large XL Condoms – Glyde condoms, crafted with natural ingredients, minimize irritation.
  • Maude Rise Plus – A larger fit with convenient buttercup packaging design.
  • B Condoms Classic – B Condoms, the sole Black-owned condom company in America, offers large and XL sizes.

2. Set Aside Your Ego

While everyone may aspire to be a “magnum,” selecting the right size is crucial for proper condom functionality and enhanced comfort for both partners. Kimberly Ardwell, CEO of Glyde America, estimates that 30 to 35 percent of men should opt for slimmer fit condoms. Don’t hesitate to choose what works best for you. Slimmer fit condoms may not be available at your local store, but you can find them online.

The Best Slim-Fit Condoms

  • GLYDE Slimfit Premium Small Condom – Glyde designs condoms for snugness and your partner’s pleasure.
  • LifeStyle Snugger Fit Condoms – No need to worry about slipping with these snug-fitting condoms.
  • Caution Wear Iron Grip Lubricated Latex CondomsThese condoms are tight-fitting for uninterrupted enjoyment.
  • OKAMOTO 004 Condoms – Experience minimal sensation and heightened heat transfer with these condoms.

3. Experiment with Various Options

Once you determine the right size, don’t randomly pick a brand. Consider factors beyond size, such as flavor, texture, color, warming, or even glow-in-the-dark options. Additionally, the lubrication, shape, and latex processing can vary between brands. White recommends conducting trial runs before committing to a specific brand. Lucky Bloke offers single condom purchases and sampler packs in various sizes. ONE, another condom company, offers 60 sizes and measuring kits to help you find the perfect fit.

The Best Specialty Condoms

  • Durex Tropical Latex Condoms – Enjoy flavored condoms in apple, strawberry, orange, and banana flavors.
  • ONE Condoms Glowing Pleasures Condoms – Illuminate your intimate moments with glow-in-the-dark condoms.
  • TROJAN Fire & Ice Dual Action Condoms – Condoms with added warming and tingling sensations for heightened pleasure.
  • Hello Cake Dotted Textured Condoms – Textured condoms, such as dotted or ribbed, provide extra stimulation.

4. Consider Your Partner

As conversations about pleasure for both partners gain traction in sexual health discussions, it’s crucial to communicate with your partner. What works best with one partner may not be ideal for another, so be open to exploring various brands that offer the best experience for both of you. Take into account that vaginal sensitivity can vary, and condom-induced irritation can be a concern. Glyde condoms, certified as vegan by the Vegan Society, have been reported to cause less irritation due to their quality and ingredients.

The Best Natural and Organic Condoms

  • B Condoms – B Condoms not only offers large and extra-large sizes but also uses organic, vegan materials.
  • Sustain Condoms – Sustain’s condoms are hypoallergenic, free of harsh chemicals.
  • Royal Condoms – These condoms are made from 100 percent natural ingredients, ensuring a feel-good experience.

5. Explore Beyond Drugstore Brands

Trojan and Durex may dominate the condom market, but they may not provide the full range of sizes. Durex focuses more on enhancing pleasure, while Trojan primarily caters to above-average sizes. Therefore, you may not find the perfect fit at a drugstore. It’s more efficient to conduct research or invest in a sampler pack online. Don’t be hesitant to order condoms online, as it’s a discreet and convenient option. Embrace the opportunity to explore different condoms, engage in open conversations with your partner, and find the one that truly enhances your sexual experience—it’s out there, we assure you.