“40% of all male and 60% of all female tumours are related to food, and more than 30% of cancer deaths are due to this same cause.” Carmen Moreno, a biologist who has dedicated her entire career to clinical oncology research at the National Cancer Institute and as a professor, now retired at the Faculty of Biology of the Complutense University of Madrid, is so forceful. “There is sufficient evidence to consider that diet is directly involved in the initiation and development, or the protective mechanisms, of various tumours, ” she adds.
We would love to say that the remedy for cancer is found in a plant that only grows deep in the Amazon jungle, but it is impossible. For years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the carcinogenic potential of some foods, such as processed meat, sausages or smoked meats, and even drinks that are drunk very hotly (above 65 ° C). But, on the contrary, there are no magic formulas or Fierabrás balms against cancer.
“More than 30% of cancer deaths are related to food,” says Carmen Navarro, researcher
However, “some foods and parts of food can help prevent the disease”, as confirmed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology in its latest report of 2017. “In Asia, there are 30 times fewer cases of prostate cancer and ten times fewer cases of breast cancer,” Dr Moreno tells us. The reason could be in her diet and “the daily consumption of soy, which is a splendid dose of phytoestrogens that lead the body to produce less estrogen,” she explains.
The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) gives clear guidelines. It recommends avoiding obesity, exercising, eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in fibre, fruits and vegetables and minimising the consumption of fats, sugar and alcohol. Carmen Moreno, also the author of the book ‘Gastronomy and Oncology’ warns against pharmacological supplements to prevent cancer: “It has been shown that they can be dangerous and have an opposite effect to the desired one.”
“There are four main groups of anti-cancer agents in food: fibre; vitamins C, E, D and A; minerals such as calcium, derivatives of sulfur, selenium, zinc or magnesium; and other tumour-inhibiting compounds such as omega-three fatty acids, phytoestrogens, beta-carotene, phenols or alkaloids”, points out Dr Moreno. Best of all, the foods that can help us avoid cancer are no superfoods. They are not exotic or exclusive. However, there is every day; cheap products are present daily in our market. These are 20 allies against cancer.
“In Asia, there are 30 times fewer cases of prostate cancer and ten times fewer cases of breast cancer.” The reason is in your diet
Tomato is a health source, lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and purifies the liver. It contains large amounts of lycopene, a phytochemical responsible for its reddish colour and ability to prevent prostate cancer.
Pumpkin Like tomatoes, pumpkin is an excellent source of lycopene. This compound enhances the action of vitamins, minerals and fibre in fruit and vegetables and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Walnuts Consuming a handful daily provides vitamin E, sulfur derivatives, magnesium and phytoestrogens that reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Red fruits slow tumour growth thanks to their antioxidant properties that inactivate the points where carcinogens bind to DNA. Of all of them, blueberries have the highest concentration of quercetin, one of the most studied flavonoids for its antitumor activity.
Salmon and other oily fish such as trout, mackerel or sardines are rich in vitamin D, selenium, and omega-three polyunsaturated fatty acids that inhibit free radicals, which are involved in estrogen metabolism and reduce cell proliferation; therefore, They are good allies against colon, prostate and breast cancer.
Broccoli contains anti-cancer agents such as magnesium, coumarins, and alkaloids. And above all, vitamin A protects against lung, oesophagus, larynx, stomach and leukaemia tumours.
Garlic “Garlic, onion and lemon, and forget about the injection”, says the famous proverb. Garlic consists of antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Now we also know that it contains derivatives of sulfur and antioxidants that protect against different types of cancer such as breast, lung and gastric.
Wheat and rye The fibre of some cereals favour intestinal transit capable of dragging carcinogenic substances to the body. However, as recommended by the AECC, bread, rice and pasta are better if they are wholemeal.Turmeric Curcumin, the main component of this root, can be taken fresh or dried and ground. Its protective effect has been demonstrated in experimental tumours of the pancreas and colon and the culture of the human brain, breast, oesophagal and colorectal cancer cells.
Green tea It is known for its antioxidant properties and for being rich in flavonoid polyphenols. It has anti-cancer properties and acts as a protector against the effects of radiation.
Extra virgin olive oil The liquid gold of the Mediterranean diet contains vitamin E and D, as well as polyphenols, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The ambitious study Predimed (Prevention with the Mediterranean Diet), carried out over twelve years, concluded that women who take four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day see their risk of developing breast cancer reduced by up to 68%.
Apple Going back to famous sayings, it is said that an ‘apple a day will keep the doctor out of your life. Studies suggest that regular consumption of apples may help reduce the risk of cancers of the mouth, oesophagus, colon, ovaries, and prostate.
Cabbages One of the most studied tumour-inhibiting phytochemical compounds are indoles, whose action prevents DNA breakage and protects against breast, stomach, liver and prostate cancer. It is found mainly in cabbages and other vegetables such as turnips or watercress.
Spinach They are green leaves and, therefore, rich in vitamin E, magnesium and saponins. Their antitumor properties derive from inducing the direct destruction of cancer cells and have an immunomodulatory effect.
Or rigan It is rich in phenols, coumarins, lactones, and especially carvacrol, a phytochemical studied to induce death in prostate cancer tumour cells.
Carrot and peaches are an essential source of beta-carotene, a phytochemical that helps prevent lung cancer in non-smokers. In the case of the peach, moreover, the University of Texas in the United States is studying the ability of some of its compounds to combat cancer cells selectively, without attacking normal cells.
Citrus fruits such as orange, lemon or grapefruit contain significant amounts of alkaloids that inhibit the binding to DNA of carcinogenic agents such as benzopyrene. Oranges also contain terpenes associated, according to the AECC, with the prevention of some types of cancer.
Dark edible algae, such as nori or wakame seaweed, whose colour is due to the Flucoxatin they contain, have phytoestrogens that inhibit – as has been shown in cultivation – the mutations that produce many carcinogens.
Mushrooms, such as the Asian maïtake, shitake, enoki or reishi, and our traditional milk cap, contain lentinan, a phytochemical that stimulates the immune system. Experimentally, they have been shown in culture to inhibit sarcoma growth by increasing the immune response.
Wine has a complex relationship with cancer. The medical community and the AECC recommend reducing alcohol consumption. But wine contains ethanol and polyphenols, which help maintain good cardiovascular health, and resveratrol, which reduces the risk of intestinal tumours.